Bioinformatics :-

Bioinformatics involve the technology that use computer for the storage , retrieval ,manipulation and distribution of information related to biological macromolecule such as DNA,RNA and protein.

scope and importance :-

Bioinformatics has brief scope in the field of agriculture ,animal husbandry, medical, and health sciences and understanding the basic sciences phenomenon .

1) Storage and retrieval data :- 

 Biological information store and retrieval is one of the most powerful application in the bioinformatics .

2) Sequence  analysis :-

 The application of sequence analysis determine those gene which encode regulatory sequences or peptide by using the information of sequencing .

shotgun sequence technique is also used for sequence analysis of numerous fragment of DNA.

3) Genome annotation :- 

In genome annotation are marked to know regulatory sequences and protein coding .

It is very important part of the HGP as it determine the regulatory sequences.

4) Protein structure prediction :-

Its easy to determine the primary structure of protein in the form of amino acid which are present on DNA but it is difficult  to determine the secondary, tertiary and quaternary structure of protein .

For this purpose either the method of crystallography is used or tool of bioinformatics can also be used to complex protein structures.

5) Drug development :-

At present all drug on the market target only about 500 proteins. With an improved understanding of disease mechanisms and using computational tool to identify and validate new drug targets ,more specific medicines that act on the the cause , not merely the symptoms , of the disease can be developed . These highly drugs promise to have fewer side effects than many of today medicines,

.6) Gene therapy :-

It is approach used to treat or cure even present disease by changing the expression of a persons gene .

currently this field is in its infantile stage with clinical trials for many different type of cancer and other disease.

7) Comparative genomics :- 

Analysis and comparing the genetic material of different species .it is a impotant method for studies the function of gene, the mechanism of in herited disease and species evolution. 

8) Crop improvement :-

Comparative genetic of the plant genome has shown that the organism of their gene has remained more covered over evolutionary time than was previously believed. 

10) Insects resistance :-

Rather than focusing on the genomic makeup of plants, insect genomics plays a primary role in identifying both the mechanisms responsible for biotic resistance in plants, as well as potential target sites. ... A plant's roots are primarily responsible for its ability to resist the deleterious effects of abiotic stresses.

11) Microbial genome application:-

Many application of bioinformatics in fields of microbial genome such as waste clean-up, climate change, nanotechnology and biotechnology and alternative energy. It is more applicable in area of agriculture such as crop improvement, insect resistance improve and nutritional quality. 


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