What is database ........? 

Database is a collection of data which is structured , searchable , updated periodically and also cross referenced .

Biological database :-

It is the libraries of life sciences information , collected from scientific experiment ,published literature , high through put experiment technology and computational analysis .

- They contain information from genomic , proteomics , and microarray gene expression .

- Information contained in biological database include gene function , structure , localization , biological sequences and structure .

Type of biological database:-

1) Primary database 

2) Secondary database 

3) Composite database

1) Primary database :- 

These are primary source of data used for store nucleic acid , protein , sequences and structural information of biological micro molecules .

Some primary database - 

1) NCBI ( The national center for biotechnological information ) 

2) EMBL ( European molecular biology laboratory )

3) Genbank 

4) DDBJ ( DNA data bank of japan ) 


6) PIR ( Protein information resource ) 

7) PDB ( protein data bank ) 

2) Secondary database :- 

A secondary database contain additional information derived from the analysis of data available in primary source .

Secondary database are analyzed in a variety of way and contain different information in different formats .

Some secondary database -

1) TrEMBL 

2) Pfam 


4) Profiles 

5) SCOP 


3) Composite database :-

A composite database is combines information from varies primary database and make it convenient to search the desire information without querying to all these primary database .

Composite database make searching much simpler because information from different resources is gathered in a single database .

It has own format and different strategies to store data from various primary database .

Some composite database -

1) OWL ( The web ontology language ) 


3) NRDB ( Natural resource database ) 


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