What is BLAST ..........?
Blast is a ( basic local alignment search tool ) commonly used for sequences database search program based on sequences similarity .
The BLAST program was developed by Stephen Altschul of NCBI in 1990 and has since become one of the most popular program for sequences analysis .
- the objective is to find high scoring ungapped segments among related sequences.
Programs of BLAST :-
1) Nucleotide -nucleotide BLAST ( blast n ) :-
This program given a DNA query, returns the most similar DNA sequences from the DNA database that the user specifies .
2) Protein - protein BLAST (blast p )
This program gives a protein query , return the most similar protein sequences from the protein database that the user specific .
3) Nucleotide 6- frame translation ( blast x)
This program compares the six frame conceptual translation product of nucleotide query sequence (both strand ) against the protein sequences database.
4) Nucleotide 6-frame translation nucleotide 6- frame translation ( t blast x)
this program is the slowest of the blast family . It translates the query nucleotide sequence in all six possible frame and compares it against the six frame translation of a nucleotide sequences database . the purpose of tblastx is to find very distant relationships between nucleotide sequences.
5) Protein - nucleotide 6- frame translation (tblastn)
This program compares a protein query against the all six reading frames of a nucleotide sequence database.
6) Position -specific iterative BLAST (PSI-BLAST ) ( blastpgp)
This program is used to find distant relatives of a protein . Frist, a list of all closely related protein is created . This proteins are combined into a general profile sequences which summarises significant features present in this sequences .
A query against the protein database is then run using this profiles and larger group of protein is found .This larger group is used to construct another profiles .
It is more sensitive in picking up evolutionary relationship than a standard protein- protein BLAST .
Use of BLAST :-
BLAST can be used for several purpose . These include identifying species , locating domains , establishing phylogeny , DNA mapping , and comparison .
1) Identifying species :-
With the use of BLAST , you can possibly correctly identify a species or find homologous species . This can be useful ,eg . When you are working with a DNA sequence from a unknown species .
2) Locating domains :-
When working with a protein sequence you can input it into BLAST , to locate known domains within the sequence of interest .
3) Establishing phylogeny :-
Using the result received through BLAST you can create a phylogenetic trees using the BLAST web page.
4) DNA mapping :-
When working with the new species , and looking to sequences a gene at an unknown location , BLAST can compare the chromosomal position of the sequences of interest to relevant sequences in the database .
5) Comparison:-
When working with gene , BLAST can locate common gene in two related species .and can be used to map annotations from one organism to another .
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