1) Biochemistry :-  

It is the study of chemical process within and relating organism .


The sciences that concerned with structure , interaction and transformation of biological molecules .

2) Carbohydrates :-

It is polyhydroxy aldehydes or ketones and their derivative or as substances that yield one of these compound .

-composed of carbon , hydrogen , and oxygen .

3) Lipid :- 

Lipid are fatty, waxy, oily  compound that are soluble in organic solvent and insoluble in polar solvent such as water.

4) Protein :- 

Protein is a naturally occurring ,extremely complex that consist of amino acid residues joined by peptide bond. It present in all living organisms .

5) Enzyme :-

Enzyme are protein that act as a biological catalysts . catalysts accelerate the rate of chemical reaction .

6) Buffer :- 

Buffer is a solution that can resist pH change upon the addition of an acidic or basic maintain the solution relatively.

7) pH :-

pH is a quantitative measure of the acidity or basicity of aqueous or other liquid solution .

8) Hormone :-

It is organic substances secreted by plants and animals but function in regulation of physiological activities and in maintaining homeostatic.

9) Secondary metabolites :-

Secondary metabolites are compound that are not required for the growth or reproduction of an organism but are produced to confer a selective advantages to organisms .

10) Glycolysis :-

Glycolysis is a sequences of 10 enzyme catalyzed reaction that convert glucose into pyruvate with simultaneous production of ATP.

11) Biomolecules:- 

An organic compound normally present as an essential component of living organisms .

12) Nucleic acids :-

Nucleic acids are very important as DNA carries hereditary information and RNA help in protein formation for the body .

13) Bioenergetics :- 

Study of interconversion of forms of energy in biological system.

14) vitamins :- 

Vitamins are organic compound required in minute amount for catalytic and regulatory function in cell metabolism in absence of which certain deficiency diseases occur.

15) Phosphorylation :-

Formation of phosphate derivative of a biomolecule , usually by enzymatic transfer of a phosphate group from ATP .


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