1485 - L. da Vinci -
Recommended the use of lenses for viewing small objects
1590 - Z. Janssen and H. Janssen -
Produced the first operational microscope.
1665 - R. Hooke -
Introduced the term “ cell ” and described cork cells.
1668 - F. Redi -
Disproved the theory of spontaneous generation of maggots.
1672 - Malphigi-
Classified the tissues.
1674 - A.van Leeuwenhoek -
Improved lens system of microscope by grinding.
1682 - N. Crew -
Described bladders and pores in wood and pith.
1694 - J.R. Camerarius -
Conducted early experiments on pollination and reported the existence of sex in plants.
1700 - R. Linnaeus -
Classified the biological organisms.
1761 - J.C. Kolreuter -
Hybridized various species of tobacco and concluded that each parent contributed equally to the characteristics of the progeny.
1779 - C.F Wolff -
Founder of embryology.
1809 - J.B. Lamarck -
Coined the word “ biology ” and stressed the importance of cell in living organisms. He put forth the theory of inheritance of acquired characters.
1824 - Dutrochet -
Showed that all plants and animals are composed of cells.
1825 - F.V. Raspail -
Developed the frozen-section technique and used iodine for detection of starch.
1835 - H. von Mohli -
Emphasized the importance of protoplasm and described cell division.
1837 - R. Brown -
Discovered the nucleus in cells of flowering plants. Year Scientist Contribution
1838 - M.J. Schleiden and T. Schwann -
Formulated the cell theory in plants and animals.
1840 - J.E. Purkinj -
Gave the term “ protoplasm ”.
1845 - A. Donne -
Used photomicroscopy for the first time.
1846 - K. Nageli -
Showed that plant cells arise from the division of preexisting cells.
1846 - G.B. Amici -
Showed that egg in the ovary is stimulated to develop into an embryo by the entrance of pollen tube.
1858 - R. Virchow -
Showed that animal cells arise from the division of preexisting cells.
1859 - C. Darwin -
Put forth the theory of natural selection.
1862 - Kolliker -
Used the term “ cytoplasm ”for the living material surrounding the nucleus.
1865 - G. Mendel -
Developed the fundamental principles of heredity.
1870 - W. His -
Invented the microtome.
1871 - F. Meischer -
Isolated nucleic acids from pus cells.
1873 - H. Fol -
Described spindle and astral rays.
1875 - O. Hertwig -
Studied reproduction in sea urchins and concluded that fertilization involves the union of sperm and egg nucleus.
1875 - E. Strasburger -
Discovered cell division in plants and gave the terms “cytoplasm ” and “ nucleoplasm ”.
1879 - W. Flemming -
Introduced the term “ chromatin ”.
1879 - H. Fol -
Showed that only one sperm enters the egg during fertilization.
1881 - E.G. Balbiani -
Discovered giant chromosomes in salivary glands of Drosophila.
1882 - W. Flemming -
Coined the term “ mitosis ” .
1883 - W. Rouse -
Proposed that chromosomes contain genes which are the units of heredity.Year Scientist Contribution
1885 - A.F.W. Schimper -
Introduced the term “ plastids ”.
1888 - Th. Boveri -
Coined the term “ centrosomes ”.
1888 - W. Waldeyer -
Coined the term “ chromosomes ”.
1892 - O. Hertwig -
Proposed the protoplasm theory of inheritance.
1892 - J. Ruckert -
Described lamp brush chromosomes in oocytes of shark.
1892 - W. Weisman -
Stated that chromosomes are the most important part of the nucleus.
1892 - Th. Boveri -
Described meiosis in Ascaris.
1898 - C. Golgi -
Described the golgi apparatus in nerve cells.
1898 - C. Benda-
Discovered mitochondria in spermatozoa and other cells.
1899 - S. Altman -
Introduced the term “ nucleic acid ”.
1900 - C.E. Correns, H. de Vries and E. Tschermak-
Re-discovered Mendel’s laws of inheritance.
1901 -E. Strasburger -
Introduced the term “ plasmodesmata ”.
1902 - C.E. McClung -
Identified sex chromosomes in bugs.
1902 - H. de Vries -
Coined the term “ mutation ”.
1902 W.S. Sutton Th. Boveri -
Proposed the chromosome theory of heredity and identified chromosomes as carriers of genetic material.
1903 - W. Waldeyer -
Proved centromeres are the chromosomal regions with which the spindle fibre become associated during mitosis
1905 - L.Cuenot -
Discovered lethal genes affecting coat colour in mice.
1905 J.B. Farmer and J.E. Moore-
Coined the term “ meiosis ”.
1906 - W. Bateson -
Coined the term “ Genetics ”and proposed the concept of allele.
1906 W. Bateson and R.C. Punnet -
Discovered genetic linkage in sweet pea.
1906 - W.L. Johannsen -
Coined the terms “gene”, “genotype” and “phenotype”.
1909 - W. Bateson -
Coined the term “ epitasis ”.
1909 - C. Correns -
Reported cytoplasmic inheritance in Mirabilis jalapa.
1909 - F.A. Janssens -
Indicated that chiasmata are produced by exchanges between non-sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes.
1910 - T.H. Morgan -
Studied crossing over and recombination in Drosophila and coined the term “ crossing over ”.
1910 - H. Nilsson-Ehle -
Proposed the multiple factor hypothesis.
1911 - A.H. Sturtevant -
Constructed the first linkage map in Drosophila.
1912 - Vejdovsky -
Coined the term “ chromonema ”.
1915 - T.H. Morgan -
Correlated genetic studies with cytological studies. He put forth the theory of linkage and studied sex linked inheritance in Drosophila melanogaster.
1917 - C.E. Allen-
Discovered sex determination in plants.
1921- F.G. Banting C.H. Best
Isolated insulin.
1922 - C.B. Bridges -
Put forth the genic balance theory of sex determination.
1923 - C.B. Bridges -
Discovered duplications, deletions and translocations in chromosomes.
1923 - Crew -
Reported complete reversal of sex in hens.
1924 - A.F. Blakeslee and J. Belling -
Studied trisomics in Jimson weed (Datura stromonium).
1924 - R. Feulgen -
Described a test to confirm the presence of DNA.
1926 - A.H. Sturtevant-
Discovered inversions in chromosomes.
1927 - G.K. Karpechenko -
Synthesized Raphano brassica.
1927 - H.J. Muller-
Induced mutations in Drosophila melanogaster by X-rays
1928 - L.J. Stadler -
Induced mutations in maize and barley by X-rays.
1928 - F. Griffith -
Conducted experiments on transformations in Diplococcus pneumonia.
1931 - C. Stern -
Gave cytological proof for crossing over in Drosophila.
1931 - H. Creighton and B. McClintock-
Gave cytological proof for crossing over in maize.
1932 M. Knoll and E. Ruska -
Developed the electron microscope.
1933 - M. Rhodes -
Reported cytoplasmic male sterility in corn.
1935 - F. Zernicke -
Developed the phase contrast microscope.
1935 - R.B. Goldschmidt -
Coined the term “ phenocopy ”.
1939 - R.A. Steinberg -
Induced mutations in Aspergillus sp. with chemicals.
1944 O.T. Avery, C.M. MacLeodand M. McCarty -
Explained the significance of DNA and proved that it is the genetic material.
1946 C. Auerbach and J.M. Robson -
Induced mutations in Drosophila melanogaster using chemicals.
1946 E.S. McFadden,E.R. Sears andH. Kihara -
Synthesized Triticum spelta in the laboratory.
1948 - K.R. Porter-
Described the endoplasmic reticulum.
1950 - B. McClintock - Brown -
Observed ribosomes in plant cells.
1953 J.D. Watson, F.H.C. Crick and M.H.F. Wilkins -
Proposed the double helix model for DNA molecule.
1954 - E.R. Sears -
Produced monosomic series of “Chinese Spring ” variety of wheat.
1955 - S. Benzer -
Described the fine structure of gene–Cistron, Recon and Muton.
1955 - C. DeDuve -
Coined the term “ lysosomes ”.
1955 - G.E. Palade -
Observed ribosomes in animal cells.
1955 - L. Pauling -
Studied the relationship between the structure of the DNA molecule and protein synthesis.
1958 - G.W. Beadle, E.L. Tatum and J. Lederberg-
Put forth the one gene – one enzyme hypothesis.
1958 - F.H.C. Crick -
Explained the central dogma of molecular biology.
1958 - M.S. Meselson and F.W. Stahl -
Proved experimentally that DNA replicates by semiconservative mechanism.
1959 - A. Kornberg and S. Ochoa -
Synthesized the DNA molecule in vitro.
1961 A.E. Jacob and J. Monod -
Explained the genetic regulatory mechanism in protein
synthesis – Operon concept.
1968 N.W. Nirenberg , H.G. Khorana and H. Holley -
Deciphered the genetic code and polynucleotide synthesis.
1968 - Woodcock and Fernandez -
Isolated DNA from chloroplasts.
1974 - Clande, G.E. Palade and C. DeDuve -
Re-discovered a number of cell organelles by electron microscope.
1975 R. Dulbecco, H. Temin and D. Baltimore -
Discovered the mechanism of reverse transcription – Teminism.
1975 - N. Borlaug -
Responsible for development of dwarf wheat and green revolution.
1978 - D. Nathans , H.O. Smith andW. Arber -
Isolated restriction enzymes.
1985 - Potrykus -
Used electroporation technique for direct gene transfer in plants.
1986- Helentzaris -
Developed the RFLP map in maize and tomato.
1986 - Ow -
Transferred and studied the expression of gene for enzyme lucifersase (causes fire flies to glow) in tobacco cells.
1987 - Fischoff -
Developed insect resistant transgenic tomato plants with Bt gene.
1987 - K.B. Mullis -
Developed polymerase chain reaction technique.
1988 - Ouozzo -
Developed transgenic tobacco with CMV coat protein.
1991 - Oeller -
Developed transgenic tomato with an antisense gene.
1992 - Vasil -
Developed herbicide resistant transgenic wheat.
1993 - Sharp Roberts-
Proposed the split gene concept.
1993 - Smith -
Studied site directed mutagenesis.
1994 - Gilman and Rodbell -
Studied G proteins and their role in turning external signals into action within cells.
1995 -Lewis, Volard and Wieschaus -
Studied the role of genes in organ differentiation.
1997 I. Wilmut -
Cloned sheep – Dolly.
1997 - Prusiner-
Studied prions – Mad cow disease.
1998 - Delta & Pine Co -
Developed the terminator gene technology.
1998 -Monsanto Co -
Developed bollguard variety of cotton.
1998 - T. Wakayama and R. Yanagimachi -
Created the first cloned mice.
2000 -Roslin Institute -
Created the first cloned pigs.
2001 -
Advanced Cell Technology Birth of first cloned Asian ox called “Gaur”.
2002 - Natl -
Institute of Agronomic Research, France. Created the first cloned rabbit.
2002 - Texas A & M Univ. U.S.A. -
Created the first cloned cat called “Cc”.
if you have any doubts then please let me know.