phylogenetic analysis, tools and uses...part 1

- Phylogenetics is the study of the evolutionary history of living organisms using treelike
diagrams to represent pedigrees of these organisms.

Phylogenetic programs:-

Phylogenetic tree reconstruction is not a trivial task. Although there are numerous
phylogenetic programs available, knowing the theoretical background, capabilities, and
limitations of each is very important.

 PAUP* (Phylogenetic analysis using parsimony and other methods, by David Swofford, is a commercial phylogenetic package.

 Phylip (Phylogenetic inference package; by Joe Felsenstein) is a free multiplatform
comprehensive package containing thirty-five subprograms for performing distance,
parsimony, and likelihood analysis, as well as bootstrapping for both nucleotide and amino
acid sequences.

 TREE-PUZZLE is a program performing quartet puzzling.

 PHYML ( is aweb-based phylogenetic programusing the GA.
It first builds an NJ tree and uses it as a starting tree for subsequent iterative refinement
through subtree swapping.

 MrBayes is a Bayesian phylogenetic inference program.

 MEGA Software for statistical analysis of molecular evolution. It includes different tree
visualization features

 Dendroscope An interactive viewer for large phylogenetic trees and networks

 NJplot Interactive tree plotter, re-roots, exports as PDF

MEGA (Molecular evolutionary genetics analysis):-

is a bioinformatics tool used for
genome analysis of molecular sequences to measure evolutionary distance for the
construction of phylogenies. MEGA software package was designed at the Pennsylvania State
University lab under the supervision of Masatoshi Nei. This tool was designed to extract
valuable information from nucleotide or protein sequence for statistical assessment and
biological data mining.

For the purpose of comparative genome analysis MEGA performs the following:
1. Sequence alignments
2. Evolutionary distance measurements
3. Phylogenetic tree building methods
4. Phylogenetic tree evaluation
5. Genes/Domains identification
6. Selection confirmation
7. Implementing sequence statistics

Step 1: sequence retrieval
Building sequence alignments involves many steps including acquiring sequences from
databanks using browsing facility. Homologous sequences are BLASTed by using either gene
name or accession number or a query sequence etc.

Step 2: Sequence alignment
By selecting add to alignment option, MEGA exports the sequences automatically to the
alignment explorer for producing multiple sequence alignments. Alignment explorer provides
two approaches using ClustalW through which data could be displayed as DNA sequence and
translated amino acid.

Step 3: Tree estimation
There are several tree estimation methods given below.
Distance based methods such as UPGMA and Neighbor-Joining (NJ) begins with
placing all the taxas in a single node and then separates with each repetition. In this way pair of
nodes are selected which are grouped at each iteration in order to reduce the overall branch
length. However mutation rates are not constant.
On the other hand character based methods such as parsimony and probalistic methods
selects the tree with the minimum number of alterations as the preferred tree by identifying and
estimating the total number of changes at each informative site for each possible tree.

Step 4: Bootstrapping
It is important to conduct statistical test for evaluating phylogenetic tree. Therefore
MEGA runs a statistical re-sampling process called bootstrapping to check trees reliability by
measuring the probability of branch recovery if the taxa were sampled again. Its values are
typically from 1000 repeated calculations and values >70% is acceptable.

Step 5: Phylogenetic tree exploration
Constructed phylogenetic trees can be visualized in numerous ways such as topologies
without branch length e.g. Cladogram or with estimated branch length e.g. Phylogram or in
linearized fashioned by means of tree explorer.

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